Dela Torre Typical Wait Time?

I ordered a White Satin from DT back in October and I am still waiting. Has anyone waited over 6 months for a mask from him? Or has anyone ever been forgotten about by accident? I know he’s a very busy man so I don’t want to bother him with emails, so I thought I’d ask some of you guys.

Pretty notoriously long wait times. You kinda gotta hound him at the 5 or 6 month mark to make sure yours is in line. Longest wait I’ve heard of was a buddy of mine at 11 months and he is a very quiet guy so I reached out to DT for him to get it settled. Average is probably right around 6 months but I’d still hit him up to make sure

What did you say when you reached out to him? I don’t wanna sound pushy or be annoying but I would like an ETA from him

Prices just went up in the site…yay

I noticed that too… glad I already ordered mine haha

HAHA what a fucking joke. The trash hes sent out lately and hes going to increase prices? jesus christ Scott has lost his mind.

Has his work declined ?

I’ll be pretty disappointed if it has. I’ve been waiting 6 months for this. I’ll keep you guys updated once it arrives

Give me about 20 minutes and I’ll send you some comparison photos from the white satins he used to send out vs what he is sending out now… it’s a complete waste of money. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the only way to get decent DT masks is second hand and bugging the hell out of people to sell their good copies.

:myers: Just wait and save your money until I release my Game Over Masks - it’s gonna be more accurate than his and I will be selling finished copies no wait :drinkers: :rock:

Here are the quality White Satins that you see pictures of floating around the internet.

This is one of the most recent White Satins that I have seen coming from DT.

missing paint in areas, mold is washed out missing ALOT of detail as you can see from the circled areas plus more. I can’t tell you an area that looks good vs what he used to send out. I’ve seen 2-3 of the last ones and this is the type of mast he is sending out now. Just sadly garbage that you have to resell.

Dela Torre is a joke. I had to hound him since he lied several times about when they would be done. So at the 6 month mark I was emailing him about once a week. He claimed my mask was done and sat in a box for 3 months. I waited a total of 9 months for a garbage White Satin that I sold within a week of receiving it. Not to mention he doesn’t give a crap about his customers, and is a major rectum.

I’ll post some pictures of mine once I receive it. If it’s shit quality I’ll be reselling it

Ffs this is disappointing as someone who has a white satin as a grail

You got one of the good copies?

No i havnt got 1 yet mate but its my ultimate score

This is crazy. When I ordered my white satin it took 2 months and then I ordered the dark half and that came in literally 2 weeks but this was 3 years ago. I can’t believe how much he has jacked the price up on these since. I bet he is playing catch up right now. That’s why the prices are so high so people think twice about ordering at the moment. I was bummed hearing about where his mask mold came from. I had no idea.

I cannot ever recommend Scott McGowan aka DT aka Dela Torre for any products. I’ve had a $2k order that took 8+ months and all masks were washed out and sloppily put together - That’s not what I spent my hard earned money on for sure. Stay tuned for my project coming up soon if you want a better mask and experience.

They are more likely a “Gray Satin” these days! haha :axe:

Wait where does the mold come from? Sorry I kinda live under a rock lmao