didnt have a whole lot of time due to work…but i saw a low light opportunity and then messed with the hair a tad bit…the low light one is creepy! the haired pic is to show you the mask haired…tonight is the BIG NIGHT for tons of pictures and costume shots!

for now…tell me WHAT YOU THINK :smiling_imp:

AND a crappy cell pic…

Dude when my tax money comes I want one!!

thanks dude! now it’s time to work on ur Warlock :smiling_imp:

Just what I wanted to hear my friend. Very nice!

WOW :open_mouth: !

98 views and 4 replies? :blush: :cry: :confused:

Lookin good Chris, Guess I have to add another to the list. :drinkers:

looks great to me man…diggin’ the first pic a lot.

That’s one nice looking mask! :rock:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

awesome job man!!



I know I already posted on this, but this mask is so bad ass I just had to post again, Damn that thing is sweet Chris. Great Job. :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers:

Looking good, Chris. Is this the Mr. Murder from MCS? Did you enlarge it? Keep up the good work. :drinkers:

you got it Steve! yes to all of the above :slight_smile:

that is awesome!!! looks great chris! i’m gonna add one to my collection! :open_mouth:

Fantastic, I’ll keep my eyes peeled and moist. :smiley:

sweet mask! how much do these run and what sizes do they come in?

moist…thats what she said :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Damn sweet dude. I like the cell phone pic most of all!
It’s a great lookin’ H1!!!
