dick warlock at HHW 2010 in cincy

dick warlock is coming to horrorhound weekend in cincinnati nov. 12-14. I cannot wait Its like 15 minutes from where I live. This website is awesome btw I
have never made a post after surfing this place for over a year now. name is simeon pleasure to meet you all.

Well il probably see ya there :wink:

I’m gonna try my Arse off to get to this. Would love to get Mr. Warlocks sig on the ol CGP Warlock. :smiley:

Should be cool and speaking of Mr.Warlock, i was watching Casino last night and when Deniro had that scammer tazered with a cattle prod i had to do a double take, sure enough it was Dick Warlock discretely putting the dude on his ass.Love how nonchalant he was.When he drops the cattle prod from his sleeve you could see those Myers mannerisms in his movements!
Good stuff!

This was a cool first post. :sunglasses:


Good, I’m like 4 hrs away. I may have to go to this one!!


I am finally gonna get to meet Mr WARLOCK at the LOS ANGELES WEEKEND OF HORRORS convention at the end of this month. Got some items for him to sign :smiley: I am so looking forward to it. Mike :smiley:

Very cool!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: