Did any1 c the utube vid RZ posted b4 it was deleted?

Rob posted this on his Twitter page on jan 27th-

“Good times at the Haddonfield Phantom Jam.”


It’s been deleted :cry:

WTF youtube!!!

Isn’t there someway to download deleted youtubes. I couldn’t find a solution through googlefu. The only site I found wanted me to fill out a survey- screw that!

I guess what I’m asking is if anyone knows how to view deleted youtube videos? I’d really like to see this.

Hmmm… I don’t believe it is possible. :neutral_face: I use to have a program on my computer that saved the videos I watched, and so I would be able to watch a video if it was removed from the original source. But I don’t remember the name of the program. Sorry. :confused:
