Disillusionment has started setting in, how does one beat it

Ya know I was once very happy with my collection, then, in my quest for betterment I sold one of the best masks I have ever owned to get what I thought was something better. I wont mention what mask it was but the whole thing really has made me become somewhat disillusioned with my mask collecting. I will never be able to replace the mask I lost, and yes it was my decision to sell it for something else, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was one of the stupidest decisions I have ever made. I have regretted it every day since I got the mask I bought to replace it and found I was not happy with it. I thought that the passing of time would ease the situation but every time I look at pictures of my old mask, or see the new one I just think of how stupid I was. At this point I am really close to just saying the heck with it and selling the whole collection except for a couple of masks. I have tried to talk myself out of this but it just seems like there is a huge hole that used to be filled. What does one do. Oh yeah, we can say suck it up and take it like a man, and all that jazz but that is not as easily done as it is said. Here on this Thanksgiving day I find myself full of bird and pondering the future of my mask collection. Disillusionment can be a tough thing to deal with. I just wish I could turn back the clock a bit. Yes, It’s no ones fault but my own for selling the mask. Live and learn, and all that good stuff still doesn’t make the pill any easier to swallow. :frowning: :confused: I don’t even know why I thought I needed to share this. Part of the whole becoming disillusioned I suppose. Not looking for a pity party, just expressing a thought.

wow, I can appreciate what your saying because I once lost something too only to attempt to replace it with “better” but it just didn’t do it, my advice would be, follow your gut, and choices and no one elses do what you feel is right, because that’s the only way you’ll get what you want, hell if you can try and get your mask back, good luck man I hope you get what you want cheers, :drinkers:

I feel your pain man
and I think I know what mask your talking about
but I am sure someday you will once again own something worth your while
happy thanksgiving


Just do what makes you happy! at least now you have a better understanding to appreciate what you have, and know to thing things through thoroughly before you buy something again.

Hey ron, I know what you mean. This has happened to me too, cept it wasn’t a mask

That mask must have meant more to me than I thought for the simple reason that I cannot seem to shake the feeling of loss that I have. It’s actually strange to me.

theres no way you can buy it back or work out a deal with the buyer? if you sold it to me after reading this I’de sell it back to you no problem

do you think you can recover where its at and maybe get it back man??
marcus :mrgreen:

I told the guy I’d like to buy it back but he did not respond. I have sold a lot of masks but never have I missed one like this. Actually I sold two to get the one I have now and I sorely miss them both, but the one in particular. :neutral_face: That one I got is actually a better mask but I’d swap it for my old one in a heartbeat.

If I were you I’d sell immediately. Don’t even give it another thought. Oh yeah . . . I’ll take your classic monsters. :wink:

could i ask what mask it was?

i felt the same when i had enough of collecting so i sold my psycho 81 along with other masks. i felt it was a bad decision selling the 81 even tho i was done with collecting. it was a one of a piece kind and i regretted it all the time. but luckilly i had a chance to buy it back and all was well in the end. dont give up hope it will be back with you soon

Believe me, Ron, I know disillusionment. But if I know you like I think I do…you’ll find a way to get it back :wink:

That would be nice but I am not gonna hold my breath Bro. :confused: I’m gonna try and send him another message.

Think about this statement for a second.

If the mask you got is BETTER than the one you sold do you REALLY miss it as much as you are convincing yourself of? What I mean is you have to look at these facts:

  1. You sold it for a REASON.
  2. If you were satisfied totally with the mask…would you have been searching hard for something better?
  3. You admit the one you got is a better mask.

What I’m getting at is it is easy to get attached to our pieces and sometimes you have a little “hangover” when you let one go. You can question yourself with “did I do the right thing?”

In my honest opinion the mask you have now is much nicer than the one you sold but I think the fact the one you sold FITS you that there is remorse.

You wanted something better in the first place so either get a larger size of this mask OR find the H6 you REALLY want. I don’t think getting the old mask back would solve the problem in the long run or it wouldn’t have been sold in the first place.

However if you REALLY do want it back…go for it man and good luck with your pursuit.

FInally a small piece of advice. It IS hard sometimes to know how you will like a mask until it is in hand. I try my best to get the mask I think I want and then if I don’t like it better than my current mask I then sell it. That way you still get a chance at bettering your collection without losing a mask you may want more than the “upgrade”.

Don’t be disillusioned, be glad you have such a great collection. I’m SURE many on here would love to have it! I’m also sure you’ll find your perfect H6.

You know I’ve been on here for a while and one thing I’ve learned about collecting masks is don’t buy it until someone else does and post a lot of pics of it, wearing and in different lighting. I’ve jumped at masks before just by one or two pics thinking I’ve found what I’ve been looking for and I was sadly wrong. You have to take other things in consideration before making your mind up before you spend your hard earned cash, sale, or trade for another mask. I look at size (my head size and length), thickness, and who painted it. I’ve wasted close to $1,000 on masks that I didn’t like in person or didn’t like how it fit on me. I’ve found if you can sit back after a new mask comes out and wait a few months and see how others feel about it and what they think of it, then you make up your own mind to buy it. So far I’m 100% happy with all my masks I now own. I just scored a H88 and I knew this was H4 look I wanted for my collection. I almost jumped at another H4 mask awhile back that someone else made and I almost ordered it before I saw what it looked like on a person. I’m not knocking anyone here but sculpts and proto masks don’t always look like the final product. Keep that in mind.

I hear ya Benny, I can’t really put my finger on it. I suppose the size has something to do with it, but it’s really strange. You know that I have bought and sold a ton of masks, but no have ever had this affect on me before. I had an H88 that I let a guy talk me out of because he really wanted it bad, and I finally gave in and sold it. I missed that mask but not the same way I miss this one. I would trade this 350 dollar mask I have for a 200 dollar H88 just because…well I really don’t know why but I would. The mask I have is amazing but for some reason I just want my old guy back. Like I said before this has nothing to do with anyone but me and my bad decision. I guess I will just have to deal with it as best as I can and hope I can get something to fill the void. Thanks for the kind words Benny, you’re a good friend.

Oh my God Ron I know what you mean…I dont want to make a fiasco about this as Ive had a little to drink but dont turn this into something more…For some reason or another I know you dont care for me too much…Its all good as I don hate people for no reason…Maybe I said something somewhere or did something you dont agree with or just didnt like…Im very good at reading others…We havent agreed on a few things with certain post but if you notice Ive always replied to your threads and all others with positive remarks…Even when you first became a member here I gave you respect just Like I do with all new members…I was one at one time so I know whats it like…I thought it was very cool with the crypt thing you were doing and was a little blown when you decided to stop doing them even though I got the sense I would never win anyway…The only thing I can say as far as this issue is dont sweat it because it happens to us all…I dont know how long you have bee collecting but I have been doing this for a long and have sold plenty of mask that I shouldnt for a dream of another…This year being the worst I would give anything to get back 3 mask and 3 mask alone…I regret with great dissapointment for selling my Psycho SE, my NAG H81, The Mayhem Maniac, My Warlock by CGP and my NAG/AHG Mint 76 #6…I would do utterly anything to get those mask back…My NAG H81 was sold on ebay so odds are I would never see it again…The other 4 were sold here but to smarter members than I…I only sold them to fund 2 pieces…One of which was the 30th mask and the other to fund the Medley kirk…I cant tell you how much I regret it…All the mask fit like a dream and have experienced nothing but shit ever since…Mask fitting that is…If I could have any 2 mask back it would be my Psycho SE and my Warlock…Grant it I could always look for another but odds are they wont fit as nice…Plus not to mention I lost my real job a few months back and had to down grade…I cxan no longer afford what I once was able to…I have a family…I have a woman, a wonderfull little boy and will add a new little girl to the family on Monday the 30th…I have prioritys and will never let this hobby come first…I would have to make payments on those mask as they were high end and I dont see it happening le alone the new owners willing to let them go…Im sure Justin would let me do payments as Ive been doing business with him for a very long time but what are the odds the mask fitting like my first SE…I know where you are coming from bud…I dont know if you have even read all this but just know that even though I know for a fact that you are not fond of me I will always give credit where credit is due…You make alot of post that I can relate to so I will reply to them no matter where we stand…I dont what it was that made you dislike me but most everyone here will never see eye to eye on every mask…We all see things differently but I will never hold a grudge just because yourself or someone else see’s a mask differently than I do…It truly sucks man to sell mask in hopes of a better but it happens…Dont let it hold you back from this thing…We can always bounce back even though we will always miss the ones we loose…I would do anything to have my Psycho SE or warlock back most of all…Take care Ron and everyone here at M-M.Net…Later guys

Hey Bro I have no problem with you at all, and as far as I know I never have. You seem to be a straight shooter. I think you’re a stand up guy. If we had a disagreement it must have been a while back because truthfully I don’t even remember it. Must not have seen too heated huh? I can’t think of a single reason I wouldn’t like you. Hang on let me think here a minute…Nope can’t think of a thing. :laughing: No, we’re cool bro. I’m sorry if I gave you that impression, but that’s not that case at all. We’re all good dude. :wink: Oh and congrats on the upcoming addition to the family :rock:

ARGHHHH! :rolleyes: Anyone wanna nice mask? :smiley:

Sorry bro…I get that vibe sometimes from people and I end up being wrong…My apologies my friend…I look too much into things sometimes and I tend to think someone has an issue with me…Not you my man its me and I apologize greatly for it…But I think your a cool dude too man…You always make post I can relate to and I enjoy them…I know exactly what you mean here I feel your pain…It trulu sucks when this kind of thing doesnt work in your favor…Especially when it comes to parting with something you truly homor to fund another…I just keep hopes in that some day we can get them back my myers brotha…Sorry for the wrong vibe my friend…Your ar edefinately a stand up guy Ron and I thought I upset you in some way around here at some point…Im glad to know we are cool bud…Take care and happy holidays to you all…Later M-M.Net