dislike the Rz masks?

Hello I was wondering if any one thought that Rob Zombie shouldn’t have had mikeys mask changed?
I didn’t hate it I just like the classics
any one adgree?

Well if you like the Classic you should know this one is the most similar to the good classic mask.

ya I can see that a bit…
but the cuts/rotting spots is a bid thing

Well thats what happens to masks when they are buried under the basement for 17 years, I thought it was realistic and gave us something different while still resembling the classic mask. Where as pts 4,5,6,7,8 have some of the goofiest looking masks of them all.

Yeah ive been saying that since RZ H1…I think the mask has a striking resemblence to the original…Facial wize…Obviously not the scars but I love the scars…IMO the scars are creepy and I love the look…It has a new style while still having an original mask vibe…Not a fan of the remakes but I love the mask and costume…Michaels look kicks ass IMO…

Yeah I think 7 was okay but the original and the remake are the closest.

I just hate that 7 has so many different ones…but its pretty okay even though my main issue with it is the eyes seem to always be visibile. I hated the HR mask.

for RZ H2 he deffinitely should have changed it. after his mask got torn he should have let him kill a Ben tramer type character to get his new ‘clean’ mask.
as far as the remake, it was the best mask we have had in a Halloween movie since H2.
so yeah the mask worked good for me in RZ H1 but he should have let Michael get a new ‘clean’ mask at some point during RZ H2. (which by clean i mean it should have looked like a 75 kirk conversion)

but to add to that, you said “classics”. the "classics’ should be singular tense. there is only ONE “classic” and that ofcourse is the original hero in H1 and H2 (which for mask condition pretty much looked like shit by H2 but still looked cool)

from H4 on the masks looked pretty frumpy and rediculose to me.
at least RZ’s Michael looks scary, not like some guy fixing to hold up a bank.

I think the rotten, cracked look is a nice change of pace. I always thought it was ridiculous for Michael to spend every movie killing and chasing people, but his mask is always perfectly white and the hair is nice and styled (not counting the original part 2, of course).

Still, the H20 mask will always be my favorite.

I agree that the RZ H2 mask should have been clean that is a good idea!

why? it wouldnt go with the story…

the plot to a halloween is one that is very flexible (i think it could have or would). in #4 u c him get a new mask but his face was coverd by bandiges befor(maybe mikey likes his mask?)
Iood mask in the 07 remake when he was a kid too.

the whole point of this was to show how special and significant THAT mask was to him. in this one he gets out and he goes back FOR that mask, eh didnt keep the pumpkin mask. I think you are too attached to this ideal that he HAS to have a white mask. The mask in pt 4 in my opinion is so ridiculously goofy and friendly looking, it just doesnt work at all. neither did the actor playing him.

i honestly hated the remake and the sequal but i love how rob made michael look excluding the hobo look. but him making the mask all rotted was a good call. him not giving him a clean mask in the sequal bad idea.

I never looked at it that way that it was THAT mask I didn’t care for the 07 remake or the man behind the mask I think that movie told TO much about michael making him a human no mystory

Well why else would he go back for it and put it on immediately if it wasnt special to him, for that he would have kept the pumpkin paper mache mask. also they didnt really tell us anything about michael when you really get down to it. Him having a shitty couple of months in his house with his moms new loser boyfriend turn him into and evil soulless killing machine who can take gunshots and keep on going?? i think not.

if you percieve the film that way then thats your given right but im not sure rob meant that to be ‘the whole point’.
michael didnt get rid of the escape mask until he got his rot mask from under the floor. which i feel he was going home anyway reguardless of that special rot mask.
but in rz h2, i think the paramedics should have taken his mask off at the scene, after the wreck and he escapes, he should have run into a Ben tramer type character and Michael killed him just to get his mask.
that seemed like a very fesible way to have put myers back into a original H1 looking mask. i wasnt too crazy about the exposed look myself.

i love what he did to the mask, as much as i like the classic i think it was a good move. we have all seen this plain white mask 7 times before, so it was a nice change. the only thing i am not happy with is the costume in rzh2, he looks like a thug! lol. :smiley:

I liked what Rob did to the Mask in H1 and H2. I’ve always looked at it as a physical representation of all of the characters in the movie. The fact that it was under the floor boards for 15+ years makes the physical rotting of the mask plausible within the story but the progressive rotting and, in the end destruction of the mask can also be seen as a metaphor.

In Rob’s H1 the mask was slightly damaged compared to the stark white mask we’ve all come to know and love. Likewise the characters in Rob’s H1 were also slightly damaged compared to the one’s in Carpenter’s original. As H1 rolls on the mask becomes less of a metaphor for all the characters and more of a direct metaphor for Laurie. In Rob’s H2 the once again starts off as a broad metaphor for the entire group of returning characters but by the end it is an undeniable symbol of both Michael’s further spiral into psychotic oblivion and Laurie’s decent into complete madness.

Mine too!