Getting to putting together the unfortunately much maligned THORN TRILOGY Myers outfits for this years Autumnal festivities and the collection in general, and while searching for accurate aluminum replica knives of the shorter 15" inch blades in H4 & H5, and the even shorter Forschner in H6; I can’t find anything.
While it isn’t absolutely necessary, and I’ll probably just end up using the good ol’ Lamson, I’d still like to know if anyone makes these knives? I’ve seen some pictures from way back when of people with similar enough replicas, and while I’m sure they aren’t produced anymore I do wonder why.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, It’d be appreciated!
I already pre-ordered the TOTS H4, but definitely; the sculpt he’s working on just evokes the look perfectly so far. Will definitely buy if it comes out as good as it’s already looking.
Sounds great! Definitely interested on the specifics of the H5 knife as well. It’s a shame there seems to be a lot of lack of interest in the community when it comes to really getting nitty’ gritty with costuming in the later sequels; I know they aren’t the best regarded, but I’ve always loved the look and atmosphere when it came to Myers in 4,5 & 6, so getting the specifics right is essential for the effect.
On the knife; what material are you casting it out of? Aluminum, resin etc? Curious about it.
Another side note; would anyone have any idea where or how to get the scythe blade for the H5 scythe done in foam or cardboard to be attached to a wooden handle? I’ve considered asking some of the people who make prop axes on FB, but I’m not sure. I’m also not sure of the length and such of the farm scythe Shanks uses as well, though it does seem pretty big.
I’ll keep ya in the loop! I totally agree the lack of concern for the nitty gritty in those sequels is upsetting, but I guess I understand their viewpoints. The throne trilogy has a soft spot with me! Something about the vibe they give off just SCREAMS Halloween. Maybe it’s cause I live and grew up in the Midwest and it’s so bang on for my experiences haha.
As far as the H4 knife I’m really not all that sure what it’ll be. I’ve ruled out aluminum, so I’m thinking resin or a poly foam maybe. We’ll see! . That’s really my main hangup is finding the best material to make them sturdy.
As far as the H5 scythe the best way would be carving it out of high density foam, I’d assume. Blade is about 26” long. (Grew up on a farm, barn scythes pretty much grow on trees out here ) that’s standard length anyway, looks dead on to what Shanks is using as well. I actually had a nice talk with Dan about those barn weapons, they used a real scythe for filming haha