doing the H4 look this Halloween, but which mask do I wear

I guess I’m gonna do the Halloween 4 gig this Halloween. The coveralls shown are my H4 Red Kaps but I have some '69 herringbone Big Mac’s I’m gonna weather up for the costume. My dilemma is that I have two H4 masks, I have Sam McCain’s H4 mask, and I have an SSN Return H4 mask. Which one do you guys think I should wear

HSS H4 mask

SSN The Return

First, you look great dressed up!
secondly, go with McCain’s H4 mask :sunglasses:

That’s a tough choice! :open_mouth:

I think the HSS H4 mask, they are both awesome but the HSS is so screen accurate! :smiley:

hss for sure, dude. great masks!

Sam’s mask, your avatar was hinting all along but you didn’t listen!!

Yes it was Benny…Sam! :open_mouth:

McCain for sure! Great costume shots.

I would wear the HSS.Both are AWSESOME!
Great Masks! :smiley: :mrgreen: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Definately the McCain maskl


Sam’s all the way!


Sam’s all the way.

Well I said the same thing Sam’s mask is just the bomb

As much as I praise Sam’s H4 this is a toughy for me…

But I think my vote goes to the HSS H4 anyway. :sunglasses:

my vote doesnt seem to really matter now no matter what i put :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: but id go HSS anyways haha how original! LOL!!


I say this one… HSS H4 mask

Looks just like the movie

Funny thing, I posted this same thread on HorrorBid and everyone over there seems to be leaning towards the SSN H4 instead of the HSS H4. Crazy