Don post studios tour 1986 THE MASK

Matthew Post has been uploading old videos of the Don Post studios factory, If you skip to 47"07 they are making THE MASK

1984 Don post “The Mask” fresh off the production line back in the day, theyve got lots of other cool stuff too
you can watch them paint and hair it back in the day

Very cool stuff there! Nice find!

Amazing find, thanks for posting! The mask making process looks so satisfying :slight_smile: I wonder if there’s any footage out there of the original Don Post 75 Kirks being made as well, that would be something to see.

That mold maker sure knows how to do it!! Great stuff!

Cool video

He’s got other videos too its a great archive for any Don post mask fan.

My favorite part was the hairing, she could do the whole head in a few minutes. My Tots kirk STILL isnt finished cause im dreading the pain of hairing, She makes it look so easy :laughing:

That hairing section was quite instructive. However you’d need the hair to be properly prepared to have the fanning procedure go smoothly.
My hair’s always a bit clumpy after dyeing so I have to comb the crap out of it.

This is cool, thanks for posting.

The lady putting the the hair on the mask knows her shit. She makes it look so easy.

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