So I received a tots Kirk today that I was going to convert and as I was ripping the hair off, some of the flesh colored latex paint came off with it. I thought the flesh color was the natural color of the latex but nope. I tried to peel the rest off but I couldn’t get it all. Most peeled off extremely easy. I had heard the paint was super adheared on the tots masks but guess not. But anyway, I’m done converting for a while… too much money wasted lately on botched jobs. Maybe I’ll just buy a good Myers next time instead of trying to make one lol.
It shows the big differences in quality control. I got a Tots kirk a few weeks ago. I convert it and not a speck of paint comes off.
BUT the glue on the hair/eyebrows was weaker than scotch tape glue, If you ran a comb through it the hair would have peeled offat the glueline.
TOTS used to use E600 for hair/fabric glue great stuff, Now this Kirk hair was held on by dollar store rubber cement
Mine looked like it was made for mexican distrobution?
I know theyre all made in mexico, but this ones care tag was entirely in spanish.
I got mine from shipped from french canada though O__0
maybe it depends on the mask. I tried to peel the incredibly thick white paint off my Elrod and it tore a big chunk out of the cheek. So $60. went right in the trash.
I don’t mess with them anymore. They are what they are.
Damn that sucks man! Ohwell, you do have one that you managed to convert, and very well at that.
Is there still no hope for this last one? Maybe just continue to strip it down to straight latex and do a complete rehaul paint job? Give it the flesh tone then layer on the whites? If not then that sucks, but you did get one good conversion out of the few you did get!
I completely understand why you feel discouraged. When I first started painting hockey masks, I must have gone through ten blanks and several spray paint cans. Over $200 down the drain. But it was the experience I needed to move forward! If you still want to pursue this yourself, really research your craft. Otherwise, there’s no shame in leaving it to the pros!