I know it’s still a couple months off but MONSTERPALOOZA BURBANK is on the horizon!!! Last year was AMAZING and it was great to meet some guys from around here. The wife and I will be there again this year. SO WHO’S GONNA BE THERE
I’ll be there.
I’ll be there!
Wish I was going Mike.My next trip to California will be permanent.Love it there!!
Don’t wait too long bro. It’s definitely a buyers marked out here now. Besides you just moved into your new home. Anyways it would be great to meet you if you can make it man. Mike
I will be there 100%… hell, it’s 3 days after my birthday. I have to go (not to mention it’s 12 miles away).
Not to mention it looks like my pals at the Chiodo Brother’s Studio will be there as well.
I’ll be there buying up a storm.
I’d like to try to make it but who knows… My life consists of last minute decisions for EVERYTHING!
we’ll have to organize a get together! haha
Hey Scott ,maybe I could pick up my stand there I know man I’ve been lagging.
LOL. Yeah I will bring it with me…We should hit the bar and hang after the show. I think I might just get a room there so I will be there all three days.
Yeah Scott I was thinking about getting a room there too. I’m down.
I’m down to get crazy. If we shoot down the 5 to hollywood and vine (less then 8 miles away) there’s a joint (pub) that has waitresses in school girl outfits and $3 pints ha.
Hey now… Don’t start getting cold feet on me
Or we could hit up the " Good Luck Bar" in Los Feliz. Not that far.
I’ll be there. I went to Jasonpalooza there last year.
I’ll be there along with Justin.
I’ll be there
I will be there for sure!!!