Early vs. Late Run Myers Masks

I’ve been collecting things since I can remember. I’ve dealt with the ususal suspects (cards, stamps, coins, comics, figures, etc.). I’ve noticed that the trend is people are looking for early run copies as opposed to any copies. Other than a collector’s desire to own something rare that is numbered, why are the later copies generally not as good of quality as the early copies? Some masks aren’t numbered at all and have been produced for awhile. I see a lot of posts stating that certain masks aren’t as detailed as they used to be (not as good as the early run). Why is that? I would think if that were an obvious issue, then artists would concentrate more on improving their product versus mass prodcution. Just looking for more experienced thoughts about this from some of the members that have been around.
thanks guys

What happens imo is that, a mask maker can get overwhelmed with orders so the quality isn’t there, when a bunch of orders are placed. They seem to be rushed, which in many cases, they are…
The earlier runs were either limited or not as much in demand until released and pictures flooded the board(s)
Also, mask makers figure(d) out cost saving ways to make masks, from the hair, all the way down to the paint, that can make a huge difference in quality as well.
I’ve seen some killer later runs myself though. For the most part, the earlier runs have the better quality, all around, features to it.
I’ve had the early psychos and later psychos. The early psychos just rocked… :rock:
I also had the early Warlock, I’m mean early, when they first released and honestly, I like my copy now, vs. that one.
The one I have now is the later run (middle run).
I like the paint and weathering MUCH more but, if it only had the old hair… :wink: :sunglasses:
Its all in the copy…

I am a collector of ONLY original run (early run) mask.
And it’s mainly based on the suggestions J has just given…

The Original run masks have the better detail features. In the hair, paint and mask pull.
Many masks that get released today have the ‘Fresh White’ paint job which I am not a fan of at all, I like the paint work to have that nice ‘Worn In’ look to it.
I’m also a fan of early run masks as that’s where it all started and has plenty of history.

I couldn’t care less if any early run mask I owned was/wasn’t numbered. I don’t need a mask that say #6 or somthing to tell me it’s an original run, I’ve owned so many myers masks I can tell from 10 feet it’s an original run by the detail of the mask.

I’ve owned Original and later run Psychos, Warlocks and Maniacs and the Original runs win everytime in my book. They just have that look that can’t be beat or replicated to this day now. That’s what I think makes them so special…Mask Makers don’t make like they used to anymore and I very much dout we will see a new mask with early run features ever again.

J and Jay pretty much summed up my feelings on this subject perfectly.

It is a VERY rare instance that I have bought a mask where the earlier run representation was not superior.

I like Jason’s reasoning of why this happens (not as rushed, cost-cuts, etc) as I believe it rings very true.

The early run Psychos, Maniacs, Warlocks and so on have always blown away the later copies I’ve received. Look at a early run NMM78 and then the NMM78 returns for instance…no contest.

Every now and then there is an exception (as J says “it’s all in the copy” and this is a VERY true statement) but 9 times out of 10 the later run copies vs the early runs will pale in comparison.

Take a look at an early run Psycho, then look at a 2009 or 2010 Psycho. Almost like a different mask.

i totally agree, yours and mask4me’s warlocks have the best h2 weathering i have ever seen on a mask! i am not too struck on warlocks but your two’s copies just rock! :smiley:

to my understanding, after so many masks are done the mold it was pulled from begins to loose detail very slightly as the more pulls are made.
but that would suggest if an artist has 2 or 3 molds then the detail might start to get slightly washed out until he starts using the 2nd mold. then wouldnt you be back to early run detail because of using a fresh mold, just like the first mold? unless a 2nd mold is not as detailed as the first, but since the molds are made from the sculpt itself i dont see how that is.
i too have seen some later run masks that i liked better than an eraly run and ofcourse vice versa.

now im alittle confused with this statement. if an artist makes a new sculpt, a new mold from it, and makes the first pull, how could you say it doesnt have early run features if its the very first mask pulled?
you couldnt compare it to a different mask/sculpt, say an early run Psycho, would be comparing likability, not the decline in detail.
the only way to truely compare decline in detail is to have copy #1 and copy #100 from the same mold sitting side by side.
and im not so sure it would loose a noticable amount of detail to the naked eye in that number of pulls.
final note: paint job and lighting do wonders for a Myers mask :drinkers:

A big reason is that over time the mod wil begin to slowly degenerate so earlier copies will have more detail :wink:

yeah, shane and scorpion, i heard that too! nick (maskenstein) said ultra cal can do around 50 before it starts losing definition and plaster of paris is around 20!

Because makers don’t paint them like they did back in 2005/2006.
They’ve moved onto different paint techniques and stand out different to original run masks.
Take an original run Psycho and a 2009 Psycho…see the difference in the paint work?

I’ve heard collectors ask mask makers to make them a mask EXACTLY like an original run copy and they still can’t do it.

Well that just totally sucks. Maybe later runs should cost a little less, specially if its known that mold aint up to par.

Good responses fellas. I would think that if I were a mask maker and the problem were known, I would try to correct it. I very much understand being overwhelmed and busy and that the molds deteriorate over time but why not make several molds (like someone aluded to above) and work from those? Why not go back to old painting techniques? Very good points and I agree, it is all in the individual mask and the individual taste.