Elrod rehaul -Heath

Tots Elrod rehauled for customer

looks great and accurate, always love the sculpt, surely the most acurate H1 among current TOTS line

Very nice, love the hair on it!

Wow, looks better than the 78 tots that’s coming out imo !!

nicely done. good job.

Damn fine job! Looks great!

Thanks everyone!!! :smiley:

Cool! Look’s really good :myers:

Nice job, man! Looks great!!!

True thing :smiley:

Ok, damn that’s actually really good.

Looks great man

The Elrod is somewhat of an under rated mask. A lot of folks write it off due to the hair, eye cuts, and size. But as evident in this thread, a good overhaul brings out it’s quality. It is a NightOwl Psycho after all, a mask that was intended to be an H1 design to begin with.

It has to be mentioned that I believe this was originally going to be TOTS’ H1 mask, but when the rights didn’t happen and went to Rubies, it became the H2 Elrod… (originally titled H2 clean, or H2 opening scene mask, something along those lines).

When the prototype of this mask was on display at conventions before the rights were handed to Rubies, it did have proper camel hair, and not the synthetic fur it comes with now. It is the closest mask TOTS has, aside from maybe their Kirk, to the original mask.

The size is on the smaller side, but the original mask was smaller as well, hence why it was a snug fit on Castle and Warlock.

This overhaul just goes to show that the Elrods potential is there for an honest H1 representation. Great job on this overhaul my friend!

Thank you. Fun mask and underappreciated for what it is.

Thanks! Yeah, for some reason I had a feeling the hand dyed mohair might look better than black shag synthetic carpet lol Thanks again

Hah! Well,…um, Thank You! lol Its one of the many ‘look’ masks (looking over the rail)…so by design it will look a bit odd outside of that particular scene recreation, I guess? Idk…I’m curious to see what I can do with the new mask once its in my hands, but I think the pics I’ve seen of it were a bit underwhelming at this point. Thanks again- Heath

Thanks man! :smiley:

Much appreciated, sir!!

Thank you

Thanks, brother! :smiley: