Ever regret saying no??

There are people that have or had masks that are desired more so than some others to certain collectors. Once & awhile somebody comes along and offers you an amount that might be 4-5 times more than what you paid for it.

Anyone have/had a mask where somebody offered you 3-4-5 times the amount paid & you still said no & now you really regret saying no?

This has happened to me many times in my other hobbies. My advice, and I learned this from a friend of mine named Gary, that I met in 2001. Never get too attached to any material items. For the right price, any item is for sale. I live by that now.

i dont regret not taking it, it but i was offered $2500 for my HUD.


Similar to above^^ i was offered $1600 for my RZ 1971 early run Buried mask but i don’t regret not accepting the rather generous offer at all, the mask means much more to me than just a wad of cash, there are certain things that just mean much more to me than money, i am sure it is the same with people who collect paintings etc, certain beautiful rare pieces of art can’t be duplicated and the experienced collector knows this only too well and that no amount of money is good enough to replace something that means so much to an individual, with that said it is pretty much a case of each to their own.

That,s a good way 2 live but I have certain masks i,ll never sell and have turned away more than what their worth and I can’t imagine not having em and I don’t even enjoy my masks as much as many do since their sealed away which sucks. That,s the thing i,ll stand tall and say 2,500 is just stupid 4 an available mask IMO but at the same time I wouldn’t sell my 75k set for the 800 their retailed at so it damn sure don’t offend me to see a mask sell for 2-3000.good job if u do :rock: but it won’t be me :laughing: I have sold pieces I didn’t want 2 sell 2 close friends however but I know where they are and feel good about it.

Same here, Mike. I’ve been offered upwards of $1500-2000 for my HUD bust, as well. I will never accept it, of course. James is one of my best friends, so it has personal value that I could ever put a price on.

I’m sure James would kick me in the ass if the price ever got high enough and I still refused, but it’s just something that I would never get rid of.

Aww man, I wish I could be one of the dudes who can come in here and say that I’ve been offered 3 to 5 times as much as what I paid for my pieces. Unfortunately, I can’t. I’ve just been asked numerous times through PMs if my masks were for sale. I never once had an offer thrown my way. However, if the senario was different, and I was offered 3 to 5 times what I paid for my mask, then I would take it and wouldn’t have any regrets. I mean c’mon…it’s 3 to 5 times more. Of course I’d do it. Yeah I’d be a little bummed out, but I guess the way I see it is that there’s so many sweet masks out there nowadays anyway, that I can always make myself happy again by satisfying my urge to want to own another good H1 or H2 sometime down the road. And so as long as they’re alive and kicking, there’s always guys like Chris, Benny, and James that can just make any mask out there look even sweeter.

You’re a master converter though. It’s business. You got 75K’s worth 8 big bills? You could turn and sell one, easily. Turnaround and buy 3 more 75K blanks, convert them all and have more 75K’s in your collection. JMO on that. Anyways. Haha!

I know people will always say that they’'ll never sell an item. Years and times can change that opinion for many though. I once owned what I thought was a priceless piece. Went on for years how I’d never sell it. Got offered much cash one day, and ended up selling it. No regrets. I look at material items as relationships. Sometimes you gotta move on.

Thanks brother and if somebody offered me that I may would haha but I know my guitars I won’t but their all very very different and vintage 60,s gibson,s but ur right I need to sell more.U got a good way of looking at shit. I,ll add theirs a lot of bsr,s in the world 2 and usually don’t take many people serious like a guy that asked and asked 2 buy a mask,so finally I say OK i,ll sell u this mask for 350 bucks and he offered me 400 and then he never messaged me again. maybe he will leave me alone now at least lol because it was EVERY mask which was humbling but GD


What have I done?!!

I was offered a silly amount for my AHG NS #15, but I had only received it 2 days prior to the offer, so I turned it down… I still have the NS, so I couldn’t have regretted it that much, though it was a damn fine offer!

Never been offered anything for any of my masks, strange… Then again I have never put any of my priceless treasures up for auction either. The few I sell here and there are ultimately to buy another as well.

Me exactly.

I’m an idiot who turned down an offer that would have made me more than 200% profit off of my NAG 75K done by JC. I so wish I had sold it then but I had only had it for a couple of weeks and wasn’t ready. Now I want it gone BAD but I don’t want to miss out on any money so I’m going to try to find a sucker at Halloween on eBay to take if off my hands. It’s a great mask, I just don’t care for it. But yeah, I wish I had sold it. Shame on me.

I’ve got some insane offers that I’ve turned down without thinking twice. I think when you get that piece that hits that spot for you it just becomes special.

Its funny, I actually sold a really nice mask because someone offered me a lot of cash for it, and I regret selling it all the time!!! LOL

I’ve received some steep offers on a couple of masks I own/owned… and I have also paid top dollar (in some cases, too much) to get masks that I just had to own.

But, to answer your question, no. No, I do not regret turning down generous random offers for some of my masks. It took me a long time to accumulate the collection I have - some masks were hard to obtain, and it’s much more important to me to have that mask that does it for me (a grail if you will) vs. a large sum of money.

Neat thread, Paul.

Thanks for the contribution guys…

I think timing & other interests play a part in parting with it or not. I think most everybody has a price. A big piece of importance to me is who it’s going to & knowing it’s going to remain in good hands & the odds of somebody dishing out a very large amount of $$ only to ruin it doesn’t fit or make much sense.

The few first offers i went with my heart & said no with no hesitation on a 3.2k offer but when a certain offer is made & you start using your head, the perspective of it all changes a little.

Having a really really good distraction or other hobby your into to put that bummed out feeling to a minimum helps out too. If Myers is the only hobby or the one you love most, your attention is on nothing else, but if somebody has another hobby besides the Myers scene they enjoy just as much & that craving for it comes to the surface & you get hit with an offer you never thought you would ever receive…I think everybody has a price. It’s nice to say never this & never that but after time…After time, that “never” will turn into a “hmm” (to me anyway).

Thanks, John.

exactly as I was saying and i,v only had these masks 4 up to 2 years but I made em that,s why their harder 2 let go I guess which is stupid but my guitars are heirloom,s plain & simple Guitar amps I,v built that my daughter watched me curse and build and nearly cry when the tubes finally sang with the Gods as I struck the first e chord :rock: No don’t think I can replace that 1 :smiley: but if somebody said ''i,ll give u 10,000 dollars i,d prob sell it and it sounds good as a Dumble guarantee :sunglasses: but it would haunt me so the basic story is. Are these items things u could live without :question: I could but don’t want 2 but shit I could buy a bigger boat with $10,000 :bulb: :bulb:

I’d only regret it if I ended up destitute as a result or a better version of the same mask came along. I have many other things I need to sell that I can’t even get rid of like about 1,000 dvd’s and blu-rays, a 38’ boat, and other space and money burdens. If you collect something for nostalgia combined with personal and aesthetic reasons it’s tougher to let go of those things.