I am sorry for being such a pain in the behind…It has come to my attention that there are a few members who do not care for me posting pictures from my fan film. I was only doing this because there seemed to be a good bit of interest in it. Sorry I opened two separate threads posting pics of the film. I know that there are some of you guys who couldn’t give a happy rats backside about the film, but there are some who seem really interested in the project. There was an entire thread posted about similar threads where a couple of members made reference to my fan film pic threads. Hey I’m sorry that I posted two threads. The MODS actually combined them. I was only posting these pictures because I thought a whole lot of folks were interested in seeing what was going on. It was my intent to make the film available to members here on MM.NET upon it’s completion so you could get a DVD copy to watch on or before Halloween. That’s the reason I have been posting a lot of pictures, to see how much interest there would be in the film. There seems to be quite a bit. If you are interested in a copy for yourself just let me know by replying. So I apologize for upsetting some of you guys by making 2 or 3 posts concerning the film.
sign me up i’d love a copy of your film and it does looks great
Yeah man Id be interested in picking a copy of it up from you also . As some have said with the way your taking your time on the lighting and everything so far from the pics it really looks like its gonna have that nice 78 feel .
Cheers Buddy and Git-R-Done !
I’ll be posting how you can get your copy pretty soon. I would like to see how many folks are interested though.
Count me as interested!
Looks like a kicka$$ movie.
I’m totally interested. Keep at it, and lt us know when it’s available!
I’m interested man…
I’m working on a flick right now too…
I’m really interested Ron!
I’m very interested in a copy. I have been following your progress. Looks great so far.
Count me in for a copy Ron buddy, I’ve been loving the pics
I’ll keep you guys posted
I’d love a copy!
I’m scripting a fan film right now too actually, hah
Hell yea post away INTERESTED!!!
i am also very interested in seeing the end product on dvd
great pics by the way
Definitely interested… the shots I saw looked great. Should be a very cool film in the end. Hell, anything’s better than the new H2.
I’d be interested it looks fantastic
I’m interested!
thanks guys
ME 2 ME 2… Put me down for a copy man !!! Looks pretty cool so far !!!
sign me up too please…