few "Diablo H2" pics...

Got this last month…this is one SICK mask! VERY realistic!!! and pretty thick too!!

Jon N.

Damn, I’d love to have one of those too. Wish the mold wasn’t broken on the Diablo masks.

ditto…i was like gone for a month and got my computer up and running and posted up in the classifieds that id trade 3 masks for one…only to be getting a PM saying the mold was broken and that noone would want the masks i was tradin hahhaha
great shots man and sick mask!!
marcus :mrgreen:

Very nice mask did you get it from Caesar?

Yep, thats the one…glad I snagged it!


yeah thats awesome!
the diablos are a fantastic bunch!!
i wish they were still around.

thanks for the pics-


Nice pics Bro…I do miss that mask…It was very nice and the amount of detail on them is insane isnt it…Thanks for sharing…Later bud