Few quick pix of THE CARPENTER H1 HAIRED

Here he is…it’s 11pm, and i need to get some sleep tonight because i have a work presentation at 7:30am tomorrow.

Just wanted to snap a few pix of this guy before hitting the hay. I figure I’d wake up tomorrow to some comments/feedback on him.

I haired him with hand laid Dyed Mohair.

Feedback appreciated :slight_smile:



Amazing job.I like the fold over hairing method on H9s but Im not sure on this.Granted its an awesome hair job but I think laying it regular would make it look a little more H1…
I really like the paint on this too.The detail in the sculpt is awesome

Looks really good! Cant wait to see how that other H1 mold of yours comes out.

Looking good. Love the color of the hair on that, and the paint job. Good stuff as always Chris!

Another star to burn bright amongst other mask luminaries.

i really like this mask!!
marcus :mrgreen:

yeah, i hear you. I just really LOVE the fold over “clean” hairline look. I learned that from Lewis Frye’s how to hair a Myers mask video. The next one I do ill go for a laid in un polished hairline look.

im really diggin’ the feedback, keep it coming :mrgreen:

something i just noticed…

open up the eye sockets some and throw on some spikey hair, you have a cool H20 conversion! opinions?

I like that hair color Chris, just about right in my eye.

I could see a decent H20 with those alterations you mentioned.

Looks amazing Chris, another nice piece.

thank ya sir Benny! I think I want to alter the hairline some to get it right. Also I think i will work on an H20 version of this here soon

That’s really great looking Chris…we’ve been playing phone tag huh? :laughing:

thanks Ron! and yes we have!!! :smiling_imp:

Wow looks great!

Kirks have a pretty clean hairline. It’s the way it’s layed I suppose. I see where your coming from Ronnie. The rolled under edge…H9 for sure. But I cn see it on this mask too. Great job on the Carpenter Chris

gj keep up the good work, might order a Raining red soon aswell :slight_smile:

I love it. I’m also wanting to see the silent stalker as well. Is that one an H1 also.

AWESOME! :finga:

Thanks Michaelkrane! Let me know which size you need on the Red…i do 23.5 and 25 now :slight_smile:

and tarheel, thanks alot man! Silent Stalker should be ready by end of weekend :slight_smile: