Finally got arrested


Kidding! Had some fun with the cops at a festival today :rock:

Now that’s funny!

Funny and fun! :rock:

Putting the “Fun” in “Funny Farm”


I do question my behaviour sometimes, close to 40 years old!

That’s ok Jeremy stay young at heart forever buddy! That H40 mask is killer :rock: :myers:

Thanks man! I need to stay young at heart! No choice, my body isn’t feeling young so may as well feel young at heart :laughing:

You do not want this version of Michael in the back of a cop car!

Awesome pics!

Damn, that’s a really good costume, it looks like you have JJC’s height and body posture.

Thanks fellas! I’m 6"1 and 205 lbs. I think JJC is a bit taller and heavier than me, but not by much. Sitting in the back seat really got me thinking about the scene in the movie for sure!!

Ha ha, nice :slight_smile:

Oh dear, those cops aren’t gonna come back alive. We all know how Michael escaped the police car in H40…

Haha that’s hilarious this probably made their day. That costume and mask looks really spot on too.

Hahaha, great shots! Masks looks done well too, and the coveralls.

Thanks all you guys! I may have been the highlight of their day for sure. They asked us to email them the pics, so I guess they enjoyed it

great costume and that myers looks perfect!

lol that’s awesome
