Hey everyone! I’ve been trying to sculpt my own Myers mask recently and I started thinking. What was the very first Myers/Kirk sculpt posted on Michael-Myers.net? I just wanna see where it all started you know? (I’m aware that there were Myers sculpts made before M-M.net but I feel like this would be easier to find out.)
I’m not sure if the first posted here, but the answer to the first one ever is an easy one! HSS 1981 was the first independent Myers mask that I know of .
I’m sure there were firsts, but the HSS wasn’t it since THS Industries got the license from Joe Wolf. Now, little do we know, or many of you know, that Joe Wolf’'s brother sold the license to THS Industries instead of DPS. Why THS instead of DPS…simple, he was a friend of the Wolf family.
After Compass International (Akkad and Yablans) broke up in 1981, Joe Wolf was in charge of the rights for Compass International.