First Score!!

Thanks man! :smiley:

Is the Zephro Edition rare or something, because I can’t find much info about it. :unamused:

Yes by CGP it is.I think you can get one from CryptCo.Yours looks like the ZE.

Zephro is a Member on here who Bought that Warlock, Its custom Painted and Haired to fit what he wanted in the mask.
The Hair is also Flax. I think there’s 2-3 of those zephro warlocks around here.
Its not an SE Warlock.


Thanks for the info! Well if there’s only 2-3 of them, my mask is pretty rare…

here’s a pic from when I had mine, I’d say these warlocks are pretty accurate :wink:

A warlock is a very nice first score.

Congrats. :slight_smile:

Your first score is a FREAKING SCORE!!! :open_mouth: Just like another member said earlier…there’s no turning back now my friend. It’s in your blood and soon you will be standing on a freeway off ramp with a sign that says “Will Work for Michael Myers Mask Money”. :smiley:

Congrats and welcome to the club…
Nick :axe:

Awesome first score man! Welcome to the addiction :slight_smile:

Congrats on the first score!!

Thanks everyone! :smiley:

extremely wicked warlock man! :slight_smile:

Thank you! :smiley: