For those having trouble with H40 crack lines

I found a nice little maker the prisma color. After I have a base down I draw my lines with this first, let dry a bit it will be gloss looking, then I go over it with a light light watery white. I don’t mix in a cup I get my brush full of water and pull some the white acrylic from the pile and mix into my brush, then I whipe most it off. So it’s like a dry brush except your getting your paint a lot thinner. I go over the lines it will cover if done right then I take a paper towel and whipe it off. Be gentle though not to whipe the marker off fully… this will actually dull the color of the lines and add some cracks into those lines as well taking some bits of the marker away. This helps for the lines you don’t want very dark. Then to darken any lines you want I take a very thin brush dip in a black wash about 1 percent acrylic to 3 part water. I did just the tip in and go over the lines I want darker. Because it’s a wash you will have to go over a few times but they won’t be that popping out black to the eye. In photo below looks a lot more bright than in person. In pictures below I only went over a few lines with brush so far under both eyes. Still have to rub out some the white dry brush areas that are to bright but you get the idea.

Good tips. The hardest part when I redid mine was to make the fine lines appear not to be continuous “lines”, but actual wrinkles. Well done.

I hate full lines on them cause they look too full I guess. At some craft stores they have very thin cotton swabs. Of you paint with just some acrylic thinned out and let it dry and get the tip of the swap wet you can lightly rub through the line as well and it will pick off some the acrylic as well. I just don’t have the steady hand with a brush to make the initial lines so the marker helps with accuracy. I’ll never be as good as some he main artist redoing them but I like being able to add my own touches or lines I think should be there with the curves of the mask.

I hear that, I just like doing stuff and being creative too, even if it’s not “perfect” or whatever.