Since alot of people start the pic of the day thingy a day early i figured why not go all the way to friday. I mean it is the best day of the week right? :finga:
Nice one Jon LoL…That mask is pretty sweet also…Is that an H78 or something else and who did them eye cuts bro
Fridays are the best!
Here ye! Here ye!
Cool pics guys!
Jay Muzz
hehe…silly me LOL
It’s my H1 NAG/COLIN conversion. It’s the h1 copy with just flesh tone.
I love this shot so i wanted to share with ya’ll
Mike and Jason. Bonding between maniacs!
J, those pics of you and your son are awesome! I can’t wait till my little one will dress up with me…
Nice pics guys!
Speaking of Friday…
Thanks Roger and Katie!
Yeah, my mom was at party city the other night and picked up the Jason mask.
My little guy LOVES it! Ya gotta start them young.
Sweet golden Roger. those dogs are DEFINATELY a mans best friend!
Great pictures everyone and J touching pic! Michael reading to Jason Toy Story
What is this undermask ?! Excellent photo !