Gallery Updates

Just added some gallery updates ranging from some Indy H40 masks through the new NAG Shape 78 mask, plus a few in between. Thought I’d ask everyone if there was anything they noticed was missing that I could add if you want!

Thanks guys! :drinkers:

Maybe throw in some new photos/adjustments to the MCS H2SM now that Rowland (DRM) has it? I have photos of mine you can use.

For sure! Your copy is stunning. I’ll go through your posts and save them :rock:

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AHG EX under H1 & 2 section

Which is the EX?

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Here’s a quick photo from the FB group.

Aha! Thank you :smiley:

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You bet! There’s a bunch more on the FB group.

Still missing:

H30 Productions (Gary Mongar) “screenused”
This mask came after the famous “Seven”
Was limited (10 copies ???)
Price was 270$

Thank you! Will add this tonight. Also gotta add Jimmys new masks.

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There’s a lot of new projects coming up too :slight_smile: Get rdy for the QOTS Zombie :rock: :myers:

Saw that and you already know I’ve saved all the sculpt pics for the gallery!

I’m also adding your KHDW shots, so good!

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Any ASwift creations from IG and Etsy does some nice RZ versions I have 3 on order should get then in a few weeks here.

WMP “Inflicted”, another one that isn’t in the gallery yet…
012 (9).JPG
014 (6).JPG
015 (5).JPG

Poor Ghostly is getting overloaded with update requests now :laughing:

:laughing: the more the better! I want it to be as complete as possible haha. These are all great suggestions!

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I’ve also noticed that there are no 1963 masks in the gallery…

Uncanny Valley Productions “Brother Louie”

There are not. That’s part of the “other mask sections” that I have a folder made for but haven’t put it in, also being done tonight :rock:

Also have to update the mass produced one with the new TOTs

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My last suggestions, hahaha!!!
For the “mass produced section”:

Cinema Secrets “Economy Myers”

… and a promo shot from back in the days when
they were available…

Here is some more AHG Ex

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