Getting so close with stuffing but still not quite where I want it.

So I’ve been trying and trying to get the stuffing right for the H2 Warlock look to pop out of my Benn7 H2SM. I’m finally getting close but still not quite there.
Took this one the other day experimenting with a new stuffing technique on the bust.

Took these today after messing with the stuffing some more, no edits yet.

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The nose seems to come across a bit too stretched, I’d pinch the nose a bit to make that part nbot as stretched out.

I was thinking the same with the nose, I’m going to mess with it some more tonight or tomorrow.

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Looks like you have it pretty close, but I’d suggest adding a bit more stuffing to the temples and jaw line to give it that Warlock stretch :slight_smile:

Will try that thanks.

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No problem man, just edited my comment there, try adding some to the jaw line too.

Messed with the stuffing some more, feel like the eyes were closer before. Nose looks better and the overall roundness is there but the eyes need work.

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Looks great to me man!

Agreed… looks pretty great!

Thanks guys

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With ig filter

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stuffing looks good there, you could also put some black non-reflective material behind the eyes.

Great mask

I have a black knee high stocking on it holding the stuffing in place. It’s usually enough for the display, but this bust is white so it’s showing through more I guess. Thanks though may still add some fabric to completely black out the eyes.


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Getting really close to what I want to see out of this mask. Got some pointers on how to stuff if on the fb group page from another collector that has one themself and has it stuffed perfectly.

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Looks great! Only thing I’d add is a bit more stuffing to the neck to give it that wide neck flare

This may not be the look you’re going for, and if not, it still looks great as is

That’s actually the only part I left out and I’m planning on adding it. Thanks for the input!

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Going to have to start all over now as I’m switching out to a larger bust. I’m glad I decided to hold onto this mask.

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Think I’m happy with it stuffed on this bust, now I have to weather the coveralls since more shows.

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