finished this one a few weks ago.i stretched the face long ways during curing.i like the way he came out…tommy
That came out really cool. I dig it.
Oh my gosh I love it!!!
Love it!
Great job on that,I really like that 81 a lot.
Awesome tommy , are you going to be offering these in h1 style as well? I love the 81…highly detailed…
looks awesome tommy
i might retool this into a kirk looking h1 .thanks for the comments…tommy
Nice Tommy! Ever think about doing a wicked H2??
this was sculpted as an h2.its realy wide with the smaller eyes.i have some pics on my site of how it looks h2 …tommy
Sweet, I’ll check it out!!
wow, looks really good tommy, also i love the weathering!
Damn Tommy!!That looks amazing.I really like that mask in H1 form.The hair on it is nutz!!Love the way the hair looks in the first picture especially.
Nice work Tommy.
Lookin sweet!
Great work Tommy