H1 and H3 Vintage newspaper ads

I thought you guys would dig seeing these old newspaper movie ads from The Livingston County Press, Howell , MI.
I used to clip all the horror movie ads out and save them in a photo album when I was growing up and too young to see an R-rated movie. The ad album became a wish book for me that held me over until cable and VHS arrived! Ah, those were the days. I never would have imagined we would all still be talking about these movies 30 year later!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:

cool man i do the same thing for all the halloween, friday the 13th, ect. movies now :rock:

That’s so cool!

Thats so awesome! Thanks for sharing!

That’s effin sweet man thanks for sharin :sunglasses:

Very cool man. :smiley:

Wow thats very cool!

god, i wish it cost $1.50 to go to the movies. pales in comparison to the $15 a lot of places out here charge.

great pics, thanks man :slight_smile: