I put the 99 and Shape H2 in black and white just because I think that’s what H1 and H2 masks look best in.
I put the 99 and Shape H2 in black and white just because I think that’s what H1 and H2 masks look best in.
awesome pix matt!! you have an amzing collection!!
only thing i never understood bout Justin’s 6 is why he put camel hair on it. doesnt look bad just a lil odd
Have to agree with you there. I’, not good at styling camel hair, I hate it. So this mask will be rehaired (and maybe repainted) eventually, with something easier to style.
Thanks, fits me like a glove so I won’t be letting it go anytime soon.
I think that camel looks ok depinding on how its done(layed on and styled)
I think mine came out pretty good
oh yeah sorry Matt not trying to take away from your awsome topic
btw that pics look awesome
I’m with ya on the H1 and H2 looking best in B&W
and love the paint up on that H6
Not a problem at all, I like seeing your H6.
I love that Shape H2…I need to find one.
Very nice pics. All top notch masks too.
Great shots Matt
You always take great outdoor pics!
I agree, H1 looks great in B/W.
Great pics Matt, love that H6. Your Shat is awesome as well…cool pics brudda!
Sick shots! Lets see some more 99!
What version of H6 is that?
What do you mean?
It’s a Nightowl H6.
Awesome shots!!! I Love that six!!
Great shots Matt. Love that HSS H2.
great masks matt…tommy
great shots man. I love that nightowl 6