So I was just watching h1 (just bought the 4k version) and I realised something that I’ve never picked up on before.
When Laurie and Annie pull up next to sheriff brackett at the hardware store, the alarm on the store must have been going literally all day because we know Michael has already stolen the mask when Laurie goes to school that morning and this is much later in the evening. So that store alarm must have been going off for at least 7 or 8 hours before brackett got there.
I know its not exactly relevant but like I said I’ve never given it any thought before
Yeah, this has been discussed a lot. There are a number of theories, but mine is that the shop keeper maybe didn’t notice anything was missing from when Michael broke in that morning, and late in the evening, he suddenly notices, and hits the alarm, and calls the cops.
I was always confused about that as well. Why would the alarm being going off for that amount of time? It would’ve been better, in my opinion, to have Laurie and Annie see Sheriff Brackett and upon pulling up next to the hardware store, there would’ve been NO alarm going off and Brackett telling them that some guy broke into the store a couple of hours ago and took some Halloween masks, some rope and a knife.
I love this move to death, but there were two other things that also stood out: Tommy walking to school with Laurie in the beginning yet Annie picks up Laurie for their babysitting and they drive clear across town to Tommy’s house. How can he walk to school with Laurie yet live clear across town? And my favorite: for all the waiting that Loomis did watching the Myer’s house, how can he see the stolen station wagon a couple of blocks away (?) from the Myer’s House and why didn’t he see it earlier? Just my thoughts.
For the school thing I just always figured Laurie lived closer to the school and Tommy just happened to run into her on his walk to school. You don’t see him leaving his house or anything in that scene so you don’t know how long/how far he’s been walking. Just my input
My guess on Loomis not seeing the station wagon earlier in the night is that maybe Michael moved it there from where he had it parked earlier that night.