H18 kreationx rehaul

He came home! My H18 rehaul from KreationX arrived today! I love how it came out.

Lookin good brother!

Thank you! I can’t wait to take more pictures of it.

Looks great!

I should be receiving mine from him sometime next month. I’m even more excited now. Thanks for sharing the pics.

Looks great man, a lot of attention paid to detail on this copy! His work has gotten better and better over the past few months

Thank you! Yeah I agree he has gotten better and better. He’s currently redoing my creep and I can’t wait to see what he does with it.

That looks great. I just got mine back from him as well and couldn’t be happier.

looks great man! I can’t wait to get mine back. Quick question. When did you send it out? I sent mine to mine to KreationX back in early November and I am still waiting on it. I am hoping it arrives soon. Your mask looks great!

Thank you I sent mine in early October so yours should be coming up soon.

awesome!! Thanks man!

Anyone know if Mike is behind on orders? From what I can tell, folks who sent theirs in October and November are just now getting them back. I sent him a message for an update a few weeks back and haven’t heard anything. Any information is appreciated.

Looks great!

Very nice!

Looks great he does a good job on these

I wouldn’t worry to much. I emailed him about mine a few times and never heard back until about a month later when I received my shipping tracking number and had my mask in a few days.

Had not heard anything and was curious what others had experienced. Thanks for the feedback.

I’ve emailed him multiple times now and not heard anything back at all. Starting to worry a little. Was due to be completed in March.

I’m not sure what he has going on right now but he is also doing a rehaul on my Creep mask. He does great work but he has been saying he’ll send me pics soon since about late April. I don’t like to bother artists and I’ve been in the hobby a long time and I know about wait times but updates are nice once in a while.

Multiple attempts to contact him and I’ve not heard anything. I agree, he should at least provide an update. Seems to have gone silent and not seeing any activity on his Facebook page either. I was told mine would be finished in May.

I sent him a mask in early January with a claimed completion in May. Have sent emails asking for general status of which he’s replied to none. About to do a charge back at this point and lose the $ on the mask sent in.