YEAH! That’s IT right there K! Love those last few shots. Looks as though Warlock just stepped onto the set! Killer!
Pure Evil love how the Planet Terror poster reflects off the blade in that 3rd pic
I have to say, these are my favorite costume shots from you brudda. At least they’re right there with your CREEP H1 shots. Looks like Justin made that mask specifically for your head, too! I cannot wait to get my hands on one of these. The JC elrod really sets off the shots nicely too…
Nightowl love, baby! It’s been getting real Nightowl-ish here, lately.
That Creepster is killer, K-pal
Looks good.
Are those stills from H2???
Love that mask K! Great shots.
Wow incredible shots Kaizu!!
**_Brother K, those shots are the…
LOVE this mask brother. _**
Fantastic shots Kaizu. Hopefully I can pick up a H2 Creep soon. -Tom
I honestly prefer the Creep as an H2 mask. This NAILS it!!
Unreal man. Some of the best shots I’ve ever seen.
Brotha K, all I have to say is
Just amazing
Nice bro K! Make’s a killer H2
Outstanding batch,my good man!!That 4th pic down in black and white is one of your best shots ever!!Looks remarkably similar to that behind the scenes shot of Dick when he offs the girl in the beginning of H2 I love the way you are wielding the knife. Truly incredible.
Bravo on this spread,bro.Thanks for posting those…I dig the heck out of them
Incredible now I have to get another CREEP H2 style! Love the pics brother. You were it too well
Daaaayuum K! You wear that thing like the man himself! Nice score and pics man!!!