H3 pumpkin is here...

I just picked this SSN signature pumpkin up off my good buddy Scott QOTS.
This will complete my H3 trio. Even though this isn’t an original it’s good enough until i find myself an original.

Thanks again Scott.

Glad it got to you OK man. You have to take a lineup shot of the three together so we can drool over the masks.

I will get one tonight :slight_smile:

That mask IS Halloween to me :wink: Congrats Jon!


wow, that is cool, btw, there is no point getting an original because that looks like one! lol :smiley:

The SSN original Pumpkinhead is the next best thing anyway Jon. You could fool anyone with it.

Great pickup!

thanks guys…here’s the H3 style masks that i own

wow, they are awesome! :smiley:

Great stuff John!

Are they filled with snakes, crickets and spiders?


Nice H3 collection you have yourself.

not yet! Check back at 9:10 PM october 31st :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Looks great!

Love it! That picture is great, with all the boxes in the background it looks like it was taken at the Silver Shamrock factory!

Love the SSN Pumpkin! Good luck on fnding the original. Once you do then you can chuck me that SSN at a good price! :mrgreen:

Very nice brotherman! :drinkers:

Ahhhh!!! You dog!!! You’re the one that beat me to the punch on that one!!! :smiling_imp:

Well, at least it went to a good friend :smiley: I call first dibbs if you sell it.


That’s a nice pumpkin you got there.

How does that mask fit you? … Im thinking of ordering one from SSN…

the mask isn’t slit…but if it was i am sure it would fit very nice

That’s a nice looking mask. Group shot.