H3 Season of the Witch Remake?

Well this title sucks.


yea Mr. Cage needs money :laughing: :laughing:

umm i dont think this is supposed to be halloween 3(season of the witch)…im pretty sure that its just a new movie coming out thatt has the same name.

Yea, I don’t think it’s an H3 remake. And it has Cage in it so I definitely won’t be seeing it.

I’m pretty sure swampy’s being a little sarcastic about it being a remake. :smiley:

ugggggggh :vom:

hmm… :neutral_face:

Remake of George Romero’s 3rd film SEASON OF THE WITCH, 1971.

This movie has nothing to do with Halloween 3: Season of the Witch as far as being remade or reimagined. The title is a complete rip off and or coincidence. As far as Nick Cage goes… he’s a god damn superstar :sunglasses:

IT IS A REMAKE OF GEORGE ROMERO’S 1971 SEASON OF THE WITCH. That’s what I read in horrorhound

Glad somebody gets me. Just thought it sucked they were using the title.

Not sure how it could be a remake of George’s Season, his isn’t a period piece. Course I haven’t read anything about it, just was searching and stumbled on this trailer. Got excited for about 1/2 a second. Oh well. And I was hoping I would never see Nick Cage with ConAir hair again. Damn it.

I understand that now that I see it in caps. Thanks!

I read a few months ago that they were remaking Romero’s third film Season of the Witch. Like many remakes they are not always identical to their predecessor. Who knows. it may just be some random witch movie that cage signed on to for a paycheck :laughing: That’s probably the most likely scenario.

I was going to say there is another film called Season of the Witch by Romero. I’ve never seen it but I would like to. I’ve seen it in FYE and have picked it up to look at it a few times.