H3 Soundtrack sold on Alan Howarth's site

Just found this on an auction site and will snatch it for sure.
Didn’t know he sold a new version.
Does anyone own this new version??
How is it??

Brother K., I own it and love it. There are several tracks that were added to that new version. It’s worth the purchase for sure.

Thanks D, I’ll be lookin foward :slight_smile:
I actually like this the most out of the first 3 :rock:

Yes K get it. This is a staple for me during the Season and also one of my favorites.

Okie dokie!!
Thanks Cooperman!

Great soundtrack. I have a copy of it. More enhanced than the original issue.

I also own it and it’s spectacular!

Ok, thanks guys :mrgreen:
I already have the original but I do want the other for the extra tracks and the funky booklet with liner notes by Alan.
Placed a bid on it and hopefully will recieve it. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a lot missing from the original soundtrack. The new version gives you what’s missing and some remixed tracks of the originals. It is definitely well worth it.

Lookin forward :rock:


I actually decided to put it on since you were so kind as to remind me I had it.

Hope you snag it bro, it’s definitely a KEEPER. I am really glad to have my copy

I will :wink:
No one ever bids on H3 stuff down here :laughing: Thank God!