Crazy story, I’ve been searching for a mannequin for the past 2 days and I finally found one. I found it on craigslist, I drove over to the women’s house, and we made the purchase. She asked me what I was gonna use it for and I told her I was gonna dress it up as Michael Myers. She then responded with, “Oh my god really?! My husband was the prop master for the new Halloween!” “I’ve got something to show you in his office.” She took me to his office and showed me THE storyboard for the scene where Sartain stabs Sherriff Hawkins! I was estatic, like what are the chances! Anyways here’s my H4 mannequin, I still need to get proper fisher stripe coveralls though.
That’s an awesome story! love the display too and the mask looks fantastic
Thanks man!
That’s crazy man! Also the mannequin looks really creepy standing in that corner, especially the last shot in the shadows
Awesome story!! What mask is this you have?
Lot’s of Big Mac Fishers on ebay. I picked up two brand new pair for less then a hundred
H4 tots Kirk conversion dirty version by Michael Lubbatti. He does amazing work, you can find him on Instagram!
That is a beautiful mask. Wow
Thanks dude, I really appreciate it!
Pretty creepy. Nice work!
Some better pics!
amazing prop piece!!!
Thank you! My family is still trying to get used to it, lol!
LOL thats AMAZING ! scaring the shit out of them walking by it haha