H4 mask in H6 behind the scenes footage....

Hey gang,
Just got back from the Cannes film festival last night. Had an absolute amazing time out there!
I’ve got lots of work to catch up on and will be catching up on all the threads, but I really wanted to show this…
While I was away the producers cut of H6 arrived. I flicked through the behind the scenes footage and found something surprising…
There’s a five minute clip where someones wearing a mask very close to one of the masks from H4…The sideburns arent there, but everything else is pretty close.
Your thoughts ?

Looks like the mask in the Bucky scene.

Nooooooo! lol. I was gonna write an article about this. It seems that not many people have picked up on this issue. From what I gather, that dude is Wilbur’s stand-in and he also stood in the background in the shot where Kim Darby is on the phone.

I don’t know about the mask, though.

Knowbody, you should still write an article about it, or at least wait until more is found out and write something up!

At first I thought maybe it was a rough converted Don Post that’s being used in pre-production, test footage ect… but the second picture makes it look VERY unique shape wise. I like that it has H6 esque hair too.

JDash, I was hoping you’d weigh in on the subject :smiley: . Some of those shots do look H4-esque, but the idea hadn’t crossed my mind until this post. Much like you, I thought it was a don post mask.

The pics definitely look H4, but that second one is REALLY throwing me.

Comparing it to the H4, it’s definitely different in places. The eyebrows are at much more of an angle than the H4 hero, but the shape and features of the mask are very similar and whilst the H6 is an incredible design, this look definitely harks back to the Shatner look of 1, 2 and 4.

Any way we can see this in motion? Is this segment online anywhere? If not, does anyone know what the story behind it is? From these scenes I’m guessing it’s a pre visualisation of some sorts…

Looks like a 1990 Shat to me.

Looks like the blurred out mask seen directly behind Sheriff Meeker when him and Loomis see all the prankster Myers in H4. Could this be it? I know they blurred this scene out for more than one reason but I can somewhat make out the mask and it looks similar to this one. Anyone got a screen capture of this? Definitely. Has some H4 history behind it the eyecuts give that away.

I don’t think this is a Don Post mask.
The general shape, Eye brows, Ears and the narrow nose bridge and nostrils all lead to it be connected to the masks from H4.
The actually video seems to be a simple test run with the mask.

I think it’s the H4 mask OR one of the few extras used on the scene of multiple masks in H4. Awesome pictures! Looks off due to the head wearing it but I see enough for it to be H4 based. Can someone upload the video?

…Hopefully someone can.
I’m leaning towards it being one of the extra masks used in H4. Hard to say as we know very little about the H4 masks.

What a cool find! thanks for sharing. Its always cool to discover new things when watching movies

I’ll see if I can capture some images of the multi-Myers scene off of my Austrian H4 blu-ray later tonight and post those to see if any of those masks compare.

Looks like a TOTS mask made to look like an H4.


Very cool!
Almost looks like a H4 mask with H6 ears.lol

Hmm, this sounds like a good theory. I always thought that those masks had a bit more of a classic Myers look to them than the clean cut hero.

Nice. My room is being decorated at the moment so I don’t have access to my DVDs, but from memory those masks had hair similar to the one in this thread, looking markedly different from the heavily styled, clean hair of the H4 hero.

Due to the bootleg nature of the H6 Producer’s Cut, could this possibly be faked? Like, is there anything in the video itself to make it ‘behind the scenes’?

Here are the screencaps I got for the three H4 masks in that multi-Myers scene. Just click on the images for the full 1920x1080 resolution.




Unfortunately the blurry mask will always be blurry, but at least you can see the hair color is a bit reddish brown (why they let the actor wearing it wear an exposed pinkish shirt I do not know).

I don’t think it’s a back-up mask for Halloween 4…but, like what was said earlier in the thread, it looks to have the ears of a Halloween 6 mask. So, maybe a proto of a mask for Halloween 6? The mask was so different in Halloween 5 that they probably didn’t even want to bother doing one like that.

If this was a fan made mask, I think we’d have seen it posted before or it would be in someones collection.

Update question?
Is this the mask that Brad Harden made? :question: :exclamation:

From what I gather, Hardin had taken an H6 mask to be retooled for H20, and that it was rejected for the KNB sculpt. That’s what Scott and Brad were trying to sell for a bit.
The one Brad sculpted came after H6 was done filming. It could be H20 test filming that somehow ended up on this H6 film, which is a bootleg, correct?

Not sure who to credit for the photo, I believe it is one of Scott’s.