H40-H1 accuracy

If one were to remove the scarring from the H40 sculpt, how similar would it look to the 1978 classic?

Like this! [emoji316] cheers mate

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Not very

Oh nice! Thanks very much! Kinda reminds me of an H6 almost…

Kinda reminds me of tots new 78 H1

Agreed. I much preferr it with the scars. The way we see it on screen. It does not work clean. IMO

It’s my understanding that Justin made the sculpt from the ground up. He didn’t claypress a Kirk like he had with the NMM78 and the Creep. So, the mask ended up looking more like his original sculpts, with his particular flair, if that makes sense.

Chris Nelson then took the clean sculpt and added the weathered/aged look to it.

Ah! Thank you very much, this was very comprehensive. Cheers! :drinkers:

I’m guessing the clean version was made for the original idea that they wanted to do a few shots of the end of H1 where Loomis catches Michael.

If I remember correctly wasn’t it a mold of jjc head?

I wish this came to fruition so TOTS had the licensing rights to release the “clean H40”. The bloody version is cool but was on screen for about 30 seconds and I think the clean is a badass mask. Hopefully somebody rehauls their H40 into the clean version

It would be easy, just cover the mask in white paint (mixed with latex of course and some water) with some weathering and dry brushing and it’s done. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future someone actually did this

I’ve seen a couple like this and they’re quite awful, honestly. Best bet is to recast the mask and ‘untool’ the scars out.

That wouldn’t be a bad idea