H40 Repaint/Rehaul by m.n.creations.x

For Christmas, my brother sent my H40 mask to m.n.creations.x for a repaint and rehaul. We just got it back this week. It looks incredible in person. m.n.creations.x did an amazing job with it! Per him, this one was pretty challenging for him. I lost the luck of the draw with TOTS and this mask had a sand paper like feel to the surface. He said this would be the last time he does a rehaul on one with a surface this bad.

very nice!

Looking good man! Brought out the details well on this one

That looks like a prop. Sick job

He is my personal favorite for H40 rehaules honestly! I would kill to have one from him. Awesome score!

Great pictures and thank you guys for the nice comments :wink::+1:t2:

Beautiful! I can’t wait to mine back from Freddy loper after he rehairs mine!

it is not bad but remzap and ryan treuhaft are largely superior for rehaul

Well, my 2018 tots is coming in 2 days, hopefully it doesn’t have a sandpaper texture to it and a rehaul for it is easy and awesome looking