H5 Screen Used - anybody got that photo?

Has anybody got that photo of the H5 hero mask with out the nose appliance… I think it was on the h5 DVD documentary…?


ah! wow, thanks! that was quick!

right, so the nose appliance was just that! very small. I wonder why all the replicas have that nasty join line?

I always thought it was the mouth appliance that had a shorter philtrum, but you can see from this photo, that it was just the lower part of the nose appliance that was covering it, making it appear smaller!

Agreed the join line is waaayyyyy over done on most replicas. It was practically invisible on the hero.

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did the hero even have the mouth appliance? or was it just the stunt mask?

Hero had nose and mouth as well I believe

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if I remember correctly, the mouth appliance was only discovered when SSN rehauled the original stunt mask for Don Shanks.

Maybe it was only the stunt that had the mouth appliance for some reason? it always did look different to the hero to me, beyond the rounder eye cuts.

I mean it’s possible! I’m not 100% sure

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I don’t think we will ever know now for sure, but all the discrepancy adds up to why this mask is so hard to reproduce accurately.