
Sweet mask, and pics, bro!!!


Thats a nice copy right there.
Put him on Flow!
Cool shots. :smiley:

Good deal Florian! :drinkers:

Cool post. :sunglasses:

Love the shirt.

thats some Myers goodness right there! :smiley: nice mask


The green light has become your trademark Flo-Bro :mrgreen: :rock: :sunglasses:
Nice shots brotha!!
Like the shirt too :laughing:

Lookin’ great Flo :rock: Your pics are always a treat to the eyes!
Jay Muzz

Love the mask!!! Love the Green light!!!

Good stuff Flo :rock:

How cool can comments be…, a big thanks fellas!
enjoy the weekend everyone :drinkers:

Great mask, I love that last pic :open_mouth:

indeed florian put that badboy on snap a couple for us :rock:
did you just recently get that h78 flo?

kickass bro!

Beautiful copy and great pics as always :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

storm58, Shane, greg and Evan thx for the words.
i received the mask in due time to halloween, maybe you’ve already seen pics of that copy with a different light situation.
and i know Shane, costume pictures are overdue. i will take some, promised buD. :sunglasses: