H9 costume finally

:myers: Been wanting to re create this one for a while now!

wow you are spot on! great job!

Appreciated!! Been in the works awhile!! :myers:

Looks amazing man! I miss mine, sold my coveralls about a month ago.

Awesome look!!! Amazing pictures!! You got the badges!! I had to make some for my coveralls sadly.

They look perfect, you did a seriously good job on them!! The mask is that a NAG? Love the way it looks.

Yeah mines a NAG mask. It’s pretty good imo. Del are more popular probably but I like this. :myers

I like the older DT masks. NAG had some great RZ masks though. The one you have looks amazing!!

Yeah DT are the benchmark for those imo but some nag are pretty close enough to RZ :myers:

The new Q.O.T.S Zombie looks amazing! Can’t wait too see that all finished up.

I’ll check that out! Appreciated

Looks awesome!

super appreciated!!