Hair on the Hiro H6?

im looking at this photo i found online of the hiro h6…

i really want to get some of this hair to start hairing my 6’s with it…help?

it’s not Crepe, i know that for sure!

Not sure what kind of hair that is but it would look pretty good on your Raining Reds

yeah dude, this is the same hair that matches this screen cap…

I’ve always wondered if it wasn’t all hand laid crepe or fur. This is NIKs and it looks like it could be either one

def not crepe! the hair i just ordered from my manufacturer in china should be here anyday and it should come damn close if not identical to this, so hopefully if my calulations are correct…this will be it!

What do you have coming. If it’s not crepe the only other thing that can get that look is fur I believe. I the picture you posted, small as it is, it kind of has a human sheen to it

Hey man,
Billy Wayne Walls who was the stuntman in H4 said they used Buffalo hair on the H6…LOL I just had to(sorry man.)

Seriously though, it looks like it could be human hair .I cant believe you order your hair all the way from China.Do they kill you with shipping?

:rock: :rock: :rock:

Yeah Im sure someone here knows the exact the hair that was used on the Hero…Its M-M.Net, its almost a given :sunglasses: …Id like to this also…Great post Morgan

The hair on the hero was taken from a wig, unfortunately that is all I know about it.

[quote=“MASK4ME”]Hey man,
Billy Wayne Walls who was the stuntman in H4 said they used Buffalo hair on the H6.

Bwahahahaha!!! :laughing:

i heard this to.i heard it was human hair from a long wig…tommy

thanks for all the input my friends! I’m going to be working on figuring it out this weekend…my goal is to …well, cant say right now haha sorry

So it was human hair on the Hero…I can believe that with the way it looks

someone with the brad hardin mask should chime in…or atleast one of the ones with screenused hair

I went out yesterday and bought a ton of the same stuff they used. All this time it was to the left of the I buy monthly at my place…Damn. :rock: :drinkers:


i dont think ive seen a Hardin mask with the hair in the pics i posted…the stuff on that mask looks like crepe

Not crepe on those.

I got to get it on the masks. I’m only one worker elf in the grand scheme of things. I can tell everyone what it is but more importantly you will find there are hundreds of kinds of the same stuff so knowing is only half the battle.