Halloween 2018 Costume Help/Advice

Hello Everyone, this is my first post on this site, and I’m hoping to get some help with my 2018 Michael Myers Costume.

-The Mask Rehaul - Please tell me some artist that are great at repainting and rehairing the TOTS 18 Mask, send links or say the main way to be able to contact them to where they’ll actually answer. I’m hoping to fing an artist that can get me the closes look to the movie.
-The Knife - I’ve have been surfing the internet looking for a 2018 Knife prop that dosen’t cost too much money. I have found some - like DirtKnap.FX, DarkSide FX, and CKcostumes - but they all look great, and some are cheaper than others. I’ve heard the DirtKnap is the go-to for weapon props, but I don’t know his prices. The other are under 100.00 dollars. Please tell me DirtKnap’s Price and usaul wait time.

Now I just want advice on how to weather Coveralls (I’ve decided to get Characol) and hands to get the dirty look in the movie.
Now this is a LONG SHOT, but does anyone know a way to get the blown off fingers.

Thank you to ANYONE who answers this post, your graditute is appreciated.

James has an appliance for his hand
Screen Shot 2018-12-22 at 10.14.07 pm.jpg

Contact remzap86 on Instagram for a rehaul, his price is under 200 bucks and responds very quickly. Hes the most accurate you can get for a Halloween 2018 rehaul.

For a knife you could just buy the same knife used and send it to somebody to have it dulled down, or you can do it yourself. If you dont like that option dirtknap makes safe screen accurate knifes that would work equally if not better than an actual knife that’s been dulled down.

Now I cant help you with weathering but I can point you in the direction of somebody you could ask about it, or you could send your coveralls to him if you arent confident in your weathering skills. Hes on these forums and goes by kurse killer, hes a great guy and does a pretty good job at weathering.

Hope this helps :pumpkin:

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