Halloween 4 Fisher Stripe Coverall weathering suggestion?

I just purchased a vintage set of big mac fisher stripe coveralls (which appear a shade of gray in color) and want to weather them to appear Halloween 4 screen accurate. Does anyone have experience with this weathering and best suggestions for getting thay H4 look?

spray paint them lightly with black paint, then wash them so that they’re not stiff.

You can use watered down black and brown acryllic paint, that way it isnt crunchy and starchy like spraypaint

The easiest way would be with fabric dye, no residue or smell fabric is soft. I would use some charcoal grey and brown fabric dye. Rit and Tintex make fabric dyes you can mix and match and find the right color.
If your dying them a dark color like black FYI use cold water, hot water will turn stuff jet black, cold water is better for that.
I dyed a grey JGTH shirt jet black in 5 seconds so dont use boiling hot water for black dye.

The packs of dye are cheaper than a can of spraypaint, Not knocking it I’ve used it the odd times

Thanks for the info! Has anyone done an H4 fisher pair before? Would navy blue fabric dye be a good place to start?

Thats a great place to start! you could do dark blue and grey dye. Use cold water (to control how much dye they to soak up)
If you put them in boiling hot water w/ blue dye it will turn solid blue in seconds.
With cold water you can take them out periodically and gradually decide how dark you want them.

Theres a member here who dyed striped H4 Bigmacs but he bleached the stripes out and dyed them H1 green.
Most of the threads on H4 coveralls here were done w/ spray paint

After the dye any weathering for grease etc on the knees elbows etc. I would mix black/brown acryllic paint in a windex type bottle.
water down the paint to milk consistency and spray and rub into those areas with a rag
this way it looks worn out and washed but the fabric is still soft.

If they need more weathering you can use sandpaper on the cuffs and knees etc to make the fabric worn/weathered

I just did a pair a few weeks ago. I used black satin spray paint. I misted in areas and did heavier in areas like the pictures. It is grease, grime, and oil look all in one can. BUT don’t wash them right away!! I did this and a lot of the paint washed out. Let it set and dry for a week at least

I’m getting these Big Macs for my h4 cosplay on Christmas what are suggestions of weathering with this color?