Halloween H2 Mask

I have a mask i recently this year did, is almost i dentical to the one used in H2 of Rob Zombies sequel. I would possibly sell it for the right price. This mask is all hand painted and authintically done with real dirt and some decaying.

This needs to go to the rz thread bud. :wink:

would you take 600.00

How many fingers am i holding up?


Now guess which “one” :mrgreen:

your ring finger

…Close enough.

it looks alright man, pretty decent, prolly not gunna get more then 10$ though…and im being serious



wow. i would of never guessed that finger :unamused:

Why is it that in the first picture the eyecut is small and in the third it is really bigger? anyone else notice this?

Looks like it ripped. Could be the angle of the photo shot though.

You wanna buy it for 600?

yes its ripped, just a wierd angle for it.

If you look at the first pic there’s a line going down like it was cut. Looks like he cut the whole “flap” part from that cut later

no bud. just kidding…you can get 100.00 from someone

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think he was being facetious

I predict young padawan from the thin arm visible in shots