Hey everyone I was wondering whats the best placed to get a NAG Halloween 78 converted along with how much do they usually cost to get it converted? anyone with any insights would be much appreciated thanks. :rock:
Jim I>

Hey everyone I was wondering whats the best placed to get a NAG Halloween 78 converted along with how much do they usually cost to get it converted? anyone with any insights would be much appreciated thanks. :rock:
Jim I>

I’ve never owned one, but I’d go with JC(jc_70). He charges $200 to convert, I believe. He does great work.

I could do one for you :rock: But personal reccomendation for me and alot of people is toward JC. Not sure how much he charges though

Yeah I’d go with JC, James is a great guy. but he stays backed up so PM him first. JC_70 It’s worth the wait

From what Ive seen I’d go with JC. :slight_smile:

So many greats to choose from :rock:

you can’t go wrong with AHG or JC
they both do awesomely amazing work … and that’s a fact {:


Multiple threads for one subject = clutter. :mrgreen:

AHG… Hands down.

James Carter does amazing work and heres a good example :mrgreen:

Its more then safe to say if you want something converted for overall look of the mask and customer satisfaction in mostly all aspects of the buisness James is one of the best. Heck in my opinion when the box arrives it should be marked " Your holy grail cut and edited by James Carter"

Here’s an example of JC’s work. Not my mask, but a great example, nonetheless.

Worn baby, ya gotta wear them!! :smiling_imp: :laughing:

well you can basically contact Nik at nicholas art gallery, look in the links section, send him an email and tell him that you are wanting a h 78 converted, i recommend either JC or AHG to do the conversions, as they have done very fine work over the years, they usually charge about 130 to 145 for the conversion, i know there are others who do amazing work as well but im not to good at remembering who they were, but yeah if your getting a conversion go with JC or AHG.

contact James JC_70 here on the board.