Halloween pics

I figured that I’d just throw these up here. I’m not sure how to just post the whole pic up there.

nice Psycho!

Nice pics man, Great mask!! Welcome to the forum… Cheers :drinkers:


OUYSTANDING PSYCHO… :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

haha Thanks guys. I have to give props to Justin Mabry for making this mask.

Many cheers

What kind of psycho is that? I just bought one on ebay.

It’s a Psycho 81 my friend. Justin from what I remember tried a few new things with this one. It really looks like a cross between the 78 and 81 mask.

Sweet score. Justin does some awesome work, and his '81s are proof of it. That mask looks great!!!

Great score bro!!
The wait on mine is killin me,he he :mrgreen:

Thanks a lot Bobby. It was definantly worth the wait. Justin really put a lot of work into this mask.

Hang in there Kaizu the wait is so worth it. Believe me.