
mods are so quick to lock threads about mask makers and shady mask maker doings…no big deal, only our money is at stake here.lol. but yet let mr warlock see the thread about how immature most of this site is. thats the thread that should of been locked. i dont know why you lock threads at all. i see if there is cursing involved. but come on. WAY TO MUCH POWER BY THE KEYBORD. DONT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY MODS…AND NOT ALL OF YOU. but i think a little less moderation and a little more babysitting is in order here. lets try to get back on track.

Thats the thing…they arent babysitters

they need to ween out the troublemaking children. they could if they really wanted to. locking threads is not the answer. people do like reading posts

I don’t think the mods are doing a terrible job. I think its OUR job to REPORT these things to the moderators. Then the moderators can take out the trash. If we don’t report it then the trouble makers will just keep running their mouths. If it were me, they would get one warning and then the boot if they didn’t shape up.

lets not turn this into a bashing, or sucking up the mods thread…please

Most of this site?.. Dude it is not MOST of this site. I’d say only a few members.Using the word Most is completely inaccurate. :confused:

The thread is still there if you want to go read it. It was locked because NOTHING positive was coming from it. I love how you have been a member here for 3 weeks and you think you know how we should moderate this board. Trust me, that thread needed to be locked and any threads like that in the future will be locked.

A few things to consider:

  1. We are NOT paid to moderate this place. We do it because we like to keep this place as problem free as possible. It is NOT an easy job, believe me.

  2. If you do not like this board you do not have to stay here.

  3. We are NOT babysitters.

here we go with the children thing again…the mods locked a thread that consist of bitching ADULTS…and this post and others bitching about how bad the site is and how kids and children are destroying the site ARE ACTUALLY THE ONES DESTROYING THE SITE!!
if anyone is acting like children its the 21 and up group!! and not all of them…just the ones bitching!!
the mods arent doing a bad job…threads like these are the bad part of the site


Hey Marcus, I support you guys! :smiley: I agree, I am really tired of hearing how our younger members are messing things up. Most of our younger members are just fine. Even you Marcus :laughing: Oh I heard about you playing Mr H6

here we go again about how long ive been here. first off. i visit here i dont stay here. i belong to countless sites on the web. so its not my first rodeo. i just feel way to many threads get locked and deleted. imo. im not bashing ya, nor am i kissing your but. i would like to know what is you guys technique on keeping bad people out and good people in. and as for babysitting. its is what it is. 1 strike. 2 strike. timeout. no more play…i think if you get out of hand. like the warlock situation, your gone. end of story

Well said Donnie. This thread is just rude. Tola did the right thing locking that thread, it was going nowhere.


Steve you hit the nail on the head

Yea im part of the under 21 year old group and to be honest with people complaining about younger members causing problems i feel as though that will eventually turn a lot of younger members away from joining due to the fact that they feel obsolite to the older members that have GREAT knowledge to give us younger members about the whole mask collecting hobby, and michael myers in general. I do NOT like to get involved with petty arguments on forums like this but i just felt i needed to make a stand for younger members including myself bc without young members who will keep the site going after older members decide its time to retire from this hobby and stop coming around the forum? Think about the future of this site before “young member” comments are made. Im sry if i seem rude but i like to feel as though younger members are a positive assest to this community and that i am actually WANTED here. Thanks for letting me express my opinions, thats all it is its and opinion take it as you will.

THANKS RON! pm sent

I’m almost positive the author of this thread is a previously banned member.

ive never been here in my life. well posting that is

This thread is as pointless as many of your comments.