Hey.... Clown-

Well this is how i dressed and sat on my porch to hand out candy. I went to i-tunes and downloaded a circus calliope music album. Then on a seperate boom box i had a sound fx cd with a person laughing. I set these up on my porch to repeat play, to accommodate my- “giving away of candy” as my background soundtrack of sorts.
My approach was old school- kinda just simple creepiness… but i think what happened aside of the music bed being werid, i was dressed how i was and the parents, maybe not being so “hip” to RZ’s Halloween, obviously just thought i was a trashy dude in a clown mask- :question: - which i could see i guess- :laughing:
Kinda like to thier kids- … "ok honey?? :confused: … you run up there?.. really fast! and get some candy?? i guess :confused:
Like i just looked like… how do you say, UN-inviting?.. in a John Wayne Gacey sorta way?- :laughing:
I kinda kept thinking, maybe i oughta change out of this?
Oh well- not alot of kids anyway.
And at least “I” thought the music and laughter combo was creepy enough…
Hey it’s my house right?- :laughing:

Anyway, here are some pics! HAPPY HALLOWS everyone!

J :wink:
& PS- this was my only costume option this year. I’m currently waiting on some things and will have some new :smiley: but late :confused: , pics in a coupla weeks with some new Fab gear.
Till then huh- :wink:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: AWESOME JOB bro!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Thanks Ghoul !-

NY-NY is a hellava town, where the Bronx is up and im Brooklyn down…

Don’t be so hard on yourself man. Your costume is pretty K.A.

Remember people still see a guy in a Jason mask and they call him Michael and vice versa. Freddy seems to be the only icon of that time frame that’s never mistaken for another horror character.

I swear if I saw you I would know right off who you were. Your costume is awesome. With that being said, if I started talking to you about your costume or the movie and you stayed IN CHARACTER…you would creep me the hell out! :smiley: Nice.

wow, that is awesome, nice combo of the sound and your costume! :smiley:

Awesome ! I love the pics.

Yeah thats the best young Mikey costume ive seen yet bro…Very nice job my man…Later guys

Did anyone tell you to stick it? :laughing:

FANTASTIC pics. Amazing costume.

im surprised!

great pics

Awesome pics.

Really awesome pics and a great costume, really have that HALLOWEEN feel.

I hated the look in the film,

Bet these pictures give it some justice. I wouldnt wanna get my A$$ whooped with a branch thats for sure…

I think Truehorrors finally convinced me. RZ’s Halloween is Badass. Sick-ass costume. You pull off the look well

YES! Mission Accomplished. Like I said, it will never top the original. but its really a well made movie with a few hiccups here and there. As for H2, I am EAGERLY awaiting the Directors Cut as I felt like the theatrical felt like it was edited into a mess. I feel it was missing alot of character development and am hoping the 2 hr running time pays off for me.

Definitely waiting for that directors cut too :sunglasses:

the 78 Halloween is my favorite movie of ALL time. My mother went into labor with me the second the credits rolled in the theater on Oct 29, 1979 for the re-release that year. Its MY movie hahaha. but I dig this one alot too.