HI GUYS The Hiro Mask Need Some Help

Hi guys just bought this no markings apart from The Hiro any ideas who made it? Thanks

Sinister Studio makes them. That one looks like it’s in awful shape, jesus.

Thanks that was the appeal I like the battered look got a fair few in different conditions so all good, do you know if they put any marking on theirs, the guy I got it from said hes had it for years. Thanks again

Yup…Hiro from Sinister Studios. Here’s my copy:


What happened to your hiro? It’s in need of a rehaul…

Thanks guys I liked the worn look only got it today guy on Ebay had it for years looking a doing something with it or may keep as is quiet appealing the aged look I’ve got a few others all in good condition compared to this one but as it doesn’t have a maker’s mark unsure of anything about it.

Mine has the Kirk hair colour to it, that’s what made me query whether it was a sinister one??

They were originally sold by member Coldbloodedkiller who had another member retool the Nightmare mold at the time. After the run was done he sold the rights to Sinister Studios.
Yours may be a copy from the original batch.

Heres one finished by Coldbloodedkiller.

That’s a great Hiro.

Looks like one of the originals… so there’s no number inside with marker pen, even the faintest on? Get a good light inside and take a look.

Mine, when I had it, was number 16, and it had all the paint flaking off like yours; looked like regular spray paint, mine did, either that or it was just really fucking old paint.