Hot New Warlock Costume Shots!

I’m looking forward to being a part of MM.NET for my third year now. It’s been great thus far. Last year there were lots of piss battles and negativity. I guess looking back I was in on some of it too. :frowning: My bad. This year I think it will be different.

So I’m posting some bad ass shots of my favorite mask for your enjoyment. :smiley:

Hope you like them. :smiling_imp:


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: That looks damn accurate… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Your pictures are always top class!
Werner mentioned it before, very movie accurate and complete in every respect.

Beautiful Warlock my friend.

Nice pics!!! Great work!!

Enjoy, James

thats a great looking warlock you have there bro

Superb shots! :sunglasses:

Wow insane bro! is it a crypt co warlock?

2007 CGP Custom

Thanks guys!

VERY nice :open_mouth:

Love the color of the ligthing on these :sunglasses:
The 3rd one looks great!!
Nice work :rock:

That is a SICK copy and some excellent shots :rock:

Yep, thats a keeper dude! :rock:

Kick ass shots man, love that warlock… Dean

That’s an excellent copy!

Sweet shots bro! That warlock copy is one of the best for sure. Later

Man that is some awesome photography, those shots are out of this world. The b&w aspect lends a nostalgic 78’ feel. Keep the camera flashing!! :drinkers:

Wonderful shots bro!

one of the most accurate mask i’ve ever seen :open_mouth: nice pics

Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. :smiley: